Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili on Friday dismissed calls by a part of political opposition for allowing the imprisoned former President Mikheil Saakashvili medical treatment abroad "complete speculation," adding the politician should "obey the law" and serve his time in prison.
Speaking to local media during his tour in Georgia’s west, Garibashvili responded to the calls made by the United National Movement opposition party and family members of Saakashvili for allowing a transfer of the former president for medical treatment abroad, and said the former President should “serve [his] sentence to the end”.
The PM noted “I really don't care about bankrupt politicians" in comments on Saakashvili, adding the talk of relocation of Saakashvili abroad was “complete speculation” and “inappropriate”.
Garibashvili called on the public to "keep peace" and "take care of achievements and development" under the current Government, and also rejected UNM calls for an early election in the country by pointing out the next planned parliamentary elections would be held in 2024.