A Georgian woman will receive €30,000 compensation after she was expelled from Russia in 2006 with her four underage children and being heavily pregnant at the time.
Yesterday the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled Russia must pay €30,000 compensation to the Georgian woman, who gave birth to a still-born baby shortly after her forceful move to Georgia.
The Court stressed Russia seriously violated the fundamental principles of the European Convention of Human Rights with Georgian citizen Lia Shioshvili, referring to a violation of articles about inhumane and degrading treatment, the right to an effective remedy, freedom of movement and prohibition of collective expulsion.
The ECtHR stated Shioshvili was one of thousands of Georgians who were deported from Russia in the autumn of 2006.
The applicants complained that they had been collectively expelled from Russia but then prevented from leaving the country for almost two weeks whilst being exposed to very poor conditions by the Russian authorities," said the ECtHR.
Though the family did eventually reach Georgia, after arriving the pregnant mother gave birth to a still-born baby,” said the Court verdict about Shioshvili's case.
The Court found that Russian authorities had subjected the mother to collective expulsion "without properly assessing” her case, before unlawfully preventing the family from leaving Russia, requiring them to stay with little money in an unfamiliar city in winter, and then failing to accommodate their needs arising from their very vulnerable situation.
Furthermore, the victims had no access to a remedy in relation to these events.