3 Georgians injured in Azerbaijan car accident

Georgia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs says the lives of the injured citizens of Georgia aren’t at risk. Photo by Ministry of Foreign Affairs press office.
Agenda.ge, 15 Dec 2016 - 19:55, Tbilisi,Georgia

Three Georgian citizens were injured in a car accident in Azerbaijan today.

Georgia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said three ethnic Azerbaijani citizens of Georgia were injured in the accident, where a bus and a truck collided. 

The Ministry told Interpressnews that the three Georgian citizens received "minor injures” and their lives were not at risk. The accident happened in the Gajigabul district.

The trio were transported to the #1 public hospital in Baku where they are now receiving treatment. 

Georgia’s Vice Consul to Azerbaijan and a representative from Georgia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs have visited the injured trio in hospital.

The Foreign Ministry added they were in contact with the families of the injured.