Some of the country’s most talented scriptwriters are being taught secrets of the trade by renowned British script editor Christian Routh in a series of workshops in capital Tbilisi.
The screenplay expert was invited by the Georgian National Film Centre (GNFC) to host lectures for winners of the Comedy and Children's Feature Film Script Development Contest.
At the workshops, held from February 1-3, Routh shared his vast experience in script editing and development.
Routh held his first series of workshops in Georgia in November 2015. Photo from
Routh first visited Georgia in November 2015 to hold the first series of script development workshops. This month’s workshops are a continuation of the earlier training.
Born in London but based in Catalonia, Spain, during his career Routh worked as Head of Selection for the European Script Fund and was involved in European audio-visual workshops including Pilots, Co-Pilot and Scripteast.
He also has worked with acclaimed film directors including Peter Webber (Emperor) and Jasmila Zbanic (Love Island). The experienced script editor also co-authored the 2006 book Script Development with screenwriter Dagmar Benke.
He also worked as a lecturer for more than 15 years, where he taught students of the Binger Filmlab in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, about the film industry and script editing.