Revenue Service enjoys most visited webpage in Georgia

The number of unique visitors of Revenue Service webpage reaches 312,188 on April 1 and 2., 02 Apr 2015 - 18:39, Tbilisi,Georgia

The Revenue Service of Georgia is the country’s most visited website on the first two days of April, according to, which counts the entries to the websites in Georgia.

In the past two days more than 300,000 visitors viewed the Revenue Service website. The reason for the staggering number of viewers was because on April 1, the Revenue Service started accepting declarations for tax returns.

Specifically, the number of unique visitors to the Revenue Service website reached 312,188 in last two days, said

From April 1 to September 30, 2015, members of the public are invited to fill in a declaration form for a tax return. If approved, the allowance will be transferred to the applicant within three months.

Today 57,508 people filled the declaration form on the Revenue Service's webpage. In total 198,047 declarations have been submitted since yesterday morning.

The tax return system was introduced in Georgia in 2014. The conditions for this year’s scheme remain the same.

Those eligible to receive a tax return are people who earn between 1,800 and 6,000 GEL per year. These people will be offered 360 GEL rebate.

Meanwhile citizens who earn less than 1,800 GEL will be exempt from the 20 percent income tax.

In order to be approved for a tax return, citizens must have a bank account and the system must show their salary details.

According to the Ministry of Finance, last year 131 million GEL was returned to more than 470,000 citizens in the form of tax returns. provides ratings of more than 13,000 local websites. Currently takes the leading position, followed by (the first Georgian video portal) and the informational portal