Georgia promoted at multicultural festival in Australia

Georgian culture was promoted at the multicultural festival in Australia. Photo by MFA., 20 Feb 2015 - 12:24, Tbilisi,Georgia

Georgia’s unique culture and traditions are being promoted on the other side of the world at a festival in Australia.

Georgia was one of a variety of cultures and communities from across the globe that featured at the National Multicultural Festival in Canberra, held last week in the capital city of Australia.

The iconic event united about 170 countries and was described as a celebration and sharing of culturally diverse traditions, dance, food, performances, exhibitions, concerts and information.

Georgia's stall at the Festival in Canberra. Photo by MFA.

This was the second year Georgia participated in the National Multicultural Festival, which involved thousands of stallholders, performers, community organisation members, diplomatic corps and volunteers.

"By participating in the multicultural event we try to promote Georgia in Australia, in front of thousands people from around the globe,” Georgia’s Foreign Ministry said.

Festival organisers said: "Canberra is Australia’s seat of democracy. We are home to more than 100 Embassies and High Commissions. We are a community comprised of individuals who hail from over 170 countries from across the globe.”