Georgia’s Prime Minister Irakli Garibahsvili believes Georgia has fulfilled all obligations leading towards further integration with the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and now it was time to patiently wait for next year’s NATO Summit in Warsaw, Poland.
Today the Georgian official said his Government was "calmly” waiting for next July’s NATO gathering and he encouraged people not to create certain expectations about what the Warsaw Summit might mean for Georgia.
Garibashvili is in Paris, France attending the United Nations Climate Change Conference but found time to comment on tomorrow’s NATO Ministerial in Brussels, Belgium.
The Ministerial is expected to reveal several hints about Georgia’s integration prospects with the Alliance.
In his comment Prime Minister Garibashvili stressed "he hoped Georgia will become a NATO member state” as his Government had "done its utmost to achieve this”, adding now it was up to global policy to determine Georgia’s fate regarding membership to the Alliance.
Georgia's Prime Minister speaks about tomorrow's NATO Ministerial . Photo by the Prime Minister's webpage.
We might become a NATO member state tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or in the future. … It is quite hard to definitely forecast the date as we are taking the international situation into account.”
It is the recommendation of the NATO Secretary General and the Alliance member countries for [our] Government not to create certain expectations among our people concerning the outcome of the Summit. It is necessary for us to follow this process calmly,” Garibahsvili said.
On this note, Georgia’s Foreign Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili stated that no matter what decision would be made at the Warsaw Summit "Georgia would continue its move to the Alliance anyway.”
We should all understand that the NATO membership is our aim and we should do our utmost to meet the goal,” Kvirikashvili said.
The Minister stressed that Georgia has been a loyal partner to NATO and fulfilled all its obligations, consequently, he hoped for positive from the Summit.