Construction of a €13million (32.8 million GEL) substation in western Georgia has officially begun.
Today Georgia’s Ministry of Energy officially launched the construction process of the multi-million Euro Khorga substation in Khobi Municipality, Akhalsopeli village.
The project, supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), was expected to cost €13million (more than 32 million GEL) to build. Austrian company Siemens is responsible for the construction works.
The 220/110 kilowatt (kW) substation is scheduled to be finished by 2016. Once operating the new power station will produce a reliable, non-stop supply of power for locals.
Enough power will also be produced for export to Turkey, said Energy Minister Kakha Kaladze.
"It is a very important project that will guarantee permanent provision of electricity for consumers, ensuring additional electro power to Poti industrial zone and connecting with export markets,” he said.
"The substation will also enable us to export electro energy to Turkey,” said the Minister.