First website for visually impaired people in Georgia

More than 7,000 people are totally visually impaired in Georgia., 07 Dec 2013 - 00:00, Tbilisi,Georgia

The website for visually impaired people was presented by the association Sightless People without Borders with the assistance of the 'Open Society Foundation' at the Tbilisi State University National Science Library.

"This is the first website for visually impaired persons in Georgia. The purpose of the project is to improve computer skills of visually impaired people and boost them to be integrated in the society, according to the Head of Sightless People without Borders, Besarion Sologhashvili.

The website  offers visually impaired people voice controlled programs, such as Bu 2 and NVDA software for free. The website also gives an opportunity for the users to listen to textual and audio lessons to study the above mentioned audio programs. Special book texts also include questions, answers, and exercises. And, there is also a virtual library with over 3,600 literary works.

According to the statistics, more than 7,000 people are totally blind in Georgia. And more than twice (over 20,000) people are with low vision.