Georgian certified seafarers allowed onboard EU flagged ships

Batumi State Maritime Academy students, 25 Nov 2013 - 00:00, Tbilisi,Georgia

Seafarers with Georgian certificates are again allowed to work on EU vessels. The European commission lifted the ban on Georgian certificates in accordance with its decision made on November 22.

"On 22 November, the European Commission and Member States recognized efforts by Georgia to comply with international standards on training and certification for seafarers, thus effectively allowing seafarers with Georgian certificates again to work on EU vessels, as stated on the UN web-site.

The UN withdrew the recognition of Georgian certificates in 2010. Among other problems, the main reason for such a decision was forged certificates given by the Georgian maritime schools.

After the withdrawal of recognition, the European Commission assisted Georgia to bring its system of training and certification of seafarers in line with the international standards.

In 2012, Cyprus requested the re-recognition of Georgian certificates, so the EU re-assessed the Georgian certifying system.

"Among others, it [Georgia] has redrafted completely its legislation and has taken effective measures to prevent fraudulent certificates. Therefore, the European Commission put on the table a proposal for the re-recognition of Georgia which was supported by the EU Member States in a meeting on 22 November, as stated on the EU web-site.

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibahsvili assessed the EU decision as an important fact for Georgia. He expressed his hopes that this will be positively reflected on Georgia's image as a maritime country.