The Hill, an American political newspaper and website since 1994, published a letter by Georgian Prime Minister Mamuka Bakhtadze, who says that Georgia-U.S. partnership is as solid today as it has ever been, and it continues to strengthen under the President Donald Trump administration.
I believe that America has a direct interest in a peaceful, just resolution of the Georgian-Russian conflict,” Bakhtadze stated.
Bakhtadze said that in recent years, Georgia has strengthened its relationship with the U.S. modeling itself upon American ideals and free-market, pro-Western policies.
Through close cooperation, our two nations have developed a deep, durable and mutually beneficial security and defense relationship.
We share President Trump’s view that dialogue with foes is far preferable to conflict. Georgia stands ready to help America find solutions to the region’s seemingly intractable problems,” Bakhtadze stated.
Bakhtadze says that despite the challenges of Russian occupation, Georgia has made tremendous progress in recent years.
Georgia boasts substantial year-to-year increase in our GDP, our exports, and a healthy and growing tourism industry. According to the World Bank’s “Doing Business 2018” report, Georgia holds 9th place on the total count of reforms in the world, ranking the highest in Europe and Central Asia. Just recently, the International Monetary Fund revised Georgia’s 2018 growth projection upward to 5.5 percent as a result of stronger than expected economic performance,” Bakhtadze said.
Bakhtadze also stated that strong and prosperous Georgia is in Russia’s national interest and should not be viewed as a threat. Moreover, Moscow should not view Georgia in the context of confrontation with the West.
Read full letter here.