The Guardian: “Western allies should stand up for Georgia against Russia“

A column of Russian armoured vehicles in South Ossetia, Georgia, on 9 August 2008. Photo: Musa Sadulayev/AP., Aug 08, 2018, Tbilisi, Georgia

Russia’s ongoing occupation of a fifth of Georgia’s territory undermines rights of residents of the de-facto annexed regions as well as security in wider Europe, Georgia’s ambassador to the UK Tamar Beruchashvili says in a piece for The Guardian.

Writing for the website of a leading daily, the Georgian diplomat details the effects of the occupation of Tskhinvali (South Ossetia) and Abkhazia regions since the 2008 Russian-Georgian conflict.

[...] Russia has blocked humanitarian and international access to the occupied regions, worsening the human rights and security situation on the ground, with the fundamental rights of the local population infringed on a daily basis”, Beruchashvili tells readers of the newspaper.

The unlawful invasion by the Russian military, and its "continuous military buildup” on the ground also threatens European security, the ambassador warns.

An effort for "serious engagement from the international community” is required to stand up to the challenge, Beruchashvili notes in the piece while also noting Georgia’s gratitude to the United Kingdom for the ongoing support for the territorial integrity of her country.

Read the full story here: