Georgia’s relationship with Canada is strong but it can flourish further, says Georgia’s Ambassador to Canada.
In a piece for Canadian online media Diplomat Magazine, Ambassador Alexander Latsabidze writes about Georgia’s emerging business environment and investment potential – which Canada has "yet to tap” into. He notes one of the main goals of his Embassy was to "intensify trade and economic relations with Canada by showing Canadian companies the investment possibilities in Georgia”.
Georgia has a lot to offer Canadian investors. … Profitable investment opportunities exist not only in its farms and vineyards, but also in its fast-growing hydroelectric, mining, manufacturing and tourism sectors”.
In 2013, two-way trade between Georgia and Canada was close to $120 million; exports from Georgia to Canada amounted to $90 million while imports from Canada to Georgia were $28.5 million.
Latsabidze states Georgia, with its strategic location between Europe and Asia in the Caucasus region, was now more than ever, attracting the attention of large and small businesses. The country’s recent emergence as a modern, free state, Georgia now offered "a stable, democratic and pro-business environment”.
Through free-trade agreements … along with the recent signing of a ‘deep and comprehensive free-trade agreement’ with the EU, Georgia now accesses almost one billion consumers. Georgia has one of the most liberal trade policies in the world, and offers international investors stable, secure, transparent and corruption-free economic conditions that allow business to thrive.
Read the full article here: