National Geographic: “Out of Eden Walk - Walking Tbilisi, Georgia”

The illustration of Salopek's 19km Tbilisi journey., Apr 24, 2015, Tbilisi, Georgia

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and National Geographic blogger Paul Salopek is continuing to document Georgian journey, now from its capital city Tbilisi.

In his latest article in the Out of Eden Walk series, Salopek walks around the ancient capital for two days and offers photos and his reflections from his 19km journey.

"Its 1.5 million citizens bustle about a small city in the heart of the Caucasus that is replete with Georgian Orthodox churches, techno dance clubs, medieval citadels, flea markets that flog postcards of homeboy Stalin, a park with animatronic dinosaurs, a balconied historic district, and numberless wine shops and mom-and-pop outlets for khinkali—the signature meat dumpling of the realm,” the article reads.

Salopek has already published other articles about Georgia, as he is making an unexpected stop here while retracing on foot the global migration of our ancestors in a 21,000-mile, seven-year odyssey that begins in Ethiopia and ends in Tierra del Fuego.

After being denied a visa to walk through Iran, Salopek’s plans changed and instead he is spending several weeks and possibly months in Georgia waiting out summer and escaping the torturous heat of his next destination – Turkmenistan.

Read the full article here: