Relations in all aspects between Georgia and Russia are deeply reviewed by journalist Michael Cecire in his article published on the American Interest website on February 7.
The Winter Olympic Games in Sochi and related issues connected with Georgia-Russia, as well as current and future relations was emphasized by the journalist. Cecire noted that since the Government changed in Georgia, relations between Georgia and Russia, two neighbouring countries, appears to be on the mend, the journalist stated.
However despite Georgia’s decision to participate in the Sochi Olympics, relations between Georgia and Russia remain uncertain.
Georgia and Russia have yet to restore diplomatic relations and remain fiercely at odds on a plethora of major issues. The two peoples may have legitimate, deep-seated feelings of mutual admiration, but that isn’t necessarily the same thing as trust. According to a recent poll, 71 percent of Georgians see Russia as a threat to their country. And in Russia, one poll showed that a large percentage of Russians see Georgians as hostile toward their country.|/
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