Carnegie: “Georgia-Russia: Six Years After the War”

"It has been 6 years since the end of the Russia-Georgia war but its aftershocks are still felt in Georgia.", Aug 19, 2014, Tbilisi, Georgia

"It has been six years since the end of the Russia-Georgia war but its aftershocks are still felt in Georgia’s tense political life,” writes George Volski.

The issue saturates television and parliamentary debates between the country’s current political leaders and the opposition, and is still also discussed by international experts and politicians in various countries and forums, said Volski in an opinion piece for Carnegie website, published on August 15.

But how did the situation come to be this way and what prompted Russia to invade Georgia six years ago, Volski asked.

He said tough questions needed to be asked of the former government and whether anything could have been done differently that could have prevented the situation between Georgia and Russia from escalating into a war.

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