EaP Vilnius Summit in “tweets”

A plenary session of EaP Summit in Vilnius; November 29, 2013; (Photo: Georgian President's press office)
Agenda.ge, Dec 02, 2013, Tbilisi, Georgia

The Eastern Partnership (EaP) Vilnius Summit was hashtagged, as #EaP#VilniusSummit, #Georgia, #EU, #EaP, #AA, on Twitter. We were watching the tweet feed and sum up some of them that sound interesting. So there are EaP in "tweets:

Linas Linkevicius,?Lithuanias Minister of Foreign Affairs

'Let's take stock, learn lessons and move ahead. #Europe will continue investing in #EaP.' At conf 'Parliaments 4 democracy' #VilniusSummit


Georgian Dream, a ruling party of Georgia

#EaP #VilniusSummit is historically significant to #Georgia. #EU is #Georgian people's adamant will

S.Martirosyan, a Journalist

 #VilniusSummit is today,& for illegitimate regime in my country screwed up I wish good luck to our neighbour #Georgia!! I'm very proud of it.

Henri Malosse?, Européen engagé et convaincu.

Meeting today at #VilniusSummit with President @Margvelashvili #Georgia definitively a Member of the European Family!

Giorgi Tabagari?, MA in EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies at College of Europe


EU-Georgia Association Agreement has been initialed. tough year ahead! #VilniusSummit, #EU, #Georgia, #EaP, #AA,

After all, thanks to #Sweden and #Poland Eastern Partnership pays off for #Georgia and #Moldova. Association Agreement has been initialed


Andrzej Cieszkowski, Ambassador of Poland to Georgia

@MFAgovge Congratulations! It's important step on #Georgia's way towards EU integration.

DianaChachua, media analyst

Congrats,#Georgia should become member as fast as possible!

Marusya LYUBCHEVA,S&D Member of the European Parliament

Today#Moldova and #Georgia initial #AssociationAgreement and #DCFTA with #EU at #EaP #VilniusSummit. What future for relations w #Ukraine?

Marius ?@MariusGurskas

#VilniusSummit started! Two intense and historic days evaluating #EaP achievements, overcoming challenges and going forward 4wider #Europe!


Ingrid Caroline Hopp, Vice-Chairwoman for European Democrat Students

Today, Georgia signed the Association Agreement with the EU! congratulations #georgia #eu @EPP @EurDemStu

Sweden in Georgia,The Embassy of Sweden in Tbilisi

A great day for #Georgia and #EU - congratulations!

UK in Georgia, UK Embassy in Georgia ?

Congratulations to Georgia for initialling Association Agreement with @EuropeanUnion @EastPartnership summit in Vilnius. #EU #Georgia #uk

Alexander Chanadiri

EU promises to sign AA with #Georgia in a year. Will Russia escalate the territorial conflicts and intercept Georgia's integration? #EaP

Pascal Heyman, Diplomat, Deputy Director of the OSCE's Conflict Prevention Centre and Head of Policy Support Service

After#Ukraine, Will "Russia Next Lean on #Moldova and #Georgia?

Dato Beshkenashvili

#Five years after #war, #Georgia defies #Russia over Europe


Armenak Minasyants, Comité Directeur Assistant/Policy Officer for European Neighbourhood Policy?

Bravo#Georgia ! My sincere congratulations on initialing of the Association Agreement & DCFTA with the#EU at #EaP Vilnius Summit!


Congratulations! But the road to #EUis only starting for #Georgia. Its your job to make firm steps on that road!

David Uchadze ?

So nice to see two females representing their countries - #Georgia and #Moldova| #Panjikidze#Gherman#EaP

Marija Dautartaite ?

@laurnorman @EU2013LTpressindeed #Vilniussummit to #EaP can still bring a symbolic sunlight much needed for the last week of grey days

Zaur SHIRIYEV, Analyst for Caucasus & Black Sea Affairs

Congratulations!#Georgia & Moldova have initialed their respective Association Agreements with the EU ahead of the start of Vilnius Summit.

EEAP, Research journalism and news based in Tallinn Estonia

#Kononczuk:#EaPhas limited ability to influence members. Not instrument for quick results. Big gap in EU&EaP expectations. #VilniusSummit

Kamal Makili-Aliyev, Leading Research Fellow at Center for Strategic Studies (Azerbaijan) ?

#Moldovaand #Georgia have paraphed the Association Agreements with #EUNot #Ukrainefor now. Too bad for #euromaidanpic.twitter.com/WxQsLzrZiq

Ian Bond?, Director of Foreign Policy, Centre for European Reform, London

#EaP- gap at #VilniusSummit civil society conf: does #EUjust need to explain EaP better for #Russia, or are EU & Rus aims incompatible?

#EaP - good day at #VilniusSummit civil society conf. #Ukraineinternal dysfunction more at fault than #Russiain non-signing of #EUdeal?

Junior Sikabwe?

#Georgia & #Moldovahave only 'initialled' #EU#EaPdeals. #Ukrainehad also initialled before #Putinwent berserk. #VilniusSummit

Georgi Gotev, senior editor of http://EurActiv.com

Pianobar music at at #VilniusSummit to mask fiasco of EU policies #pathetic#euco


Alexander Chanadiri ?

"Shalaxo" tunes while initialing the agreement #VilniusSummit


Well done #Georgiaand #Moldova. I hope you won't turn back from your way forward. #VilniusSummit

Mirian Jugheli, interested in Journalism,

Shalakho at Vilnius Summit #georgia #tbilisi#caucasus#vilniussummit #eaphttp://bit.ly/1b86oHa

Rashad Novruz

Despite all external pressures, #Moldovan@Diplomacy_RM and #Georgia @Sakartvelo @MFAgovge initialled AA/DCFTA - true sign of independence