Foreign embassies and dignitaries on Sunday issued condemnations of Russia's ongoing occupation of Georgia's regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali (South Ossetia) and called on the Kremlin to fulfil its obligations under the European Union-mediated ceasefire agreement by withdrawing forces from the occupied regions on the 14th anniversary of the 2008 war between the two countries.
The European Union delegation to Georgia reiterated their condemnation of Russia’s recognition of and continued military presence in the Georgian territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and confirmed the “strong support: of the EU for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia within the internationally recognised borders of the country.
14 years since the August 2008 Russia-Georgia war: EU condemns Russia’s continued illegal military presence in Georgia’s territories of Abkhazia & South Ossetia. ???????? stands by ????????.
— EU Delegation Georgia ???????? (@EUinGeorgia) August 7, 2022
Members of the European Parliament issued a joint statement reaffirming their “unwavering support” for Georgia’s independence and welcoming the Judgement of ECHR, MEP’s called Russia’s war of aggression against Georgia a “blatant violation of international law”.
14 years ago today, #Russia launched a war against #Georgia. Back then, ???????? aggression went largely unpunished. We are now paying a high price for that in #Ukraine.
— Viola von Cramon (@ViolavonCramon) August 7, 2022
Together with my colleagues from @Europarl_EN, we made a statement condemning ???????? aggression.#RussiaGeorgiaWar
Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament said Russia had started its “brutal pattern by invading independent Georgia to halt its pro-European choice.
14 years ago, Russia started a brutal pattern by invading independent Georgia to halt its pro-European choice.
— Roberta Metsola (@EP_President) August 7, 2022
We will never accept the ‘right of might’. #Georgia ???????? belongs to the European family of values.@Europarl_EN continues to stand firmly with the people of Georgia.
The United States Embassy in Georgia released a video appeal on their social media noting that the US remembered “Russian troops invading Georgia” and noted it would “continue to work for peace” and would stand by Georgia.
The Foreign Relations Committee of the US Senate confirmed its support for Georgia.
14 years ago, Russia began its invasion of Georgia, an illegal act of aggression against a sovereign country.
— Senate Foreign Relations Committee (@SFRCdems) August 6, 2022
Today, we reaffirm our support for Georgia.
Abkhazia & South Ossetia are Georgian territory.
Russian occupation of its neighbors' territory must end. #NoToOccupation
The US Mission to Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe “urged” Russia to withdraw its forces to pre-war positions per 2008 ceasefire agreement.
Marking 14 years since Russia’s invasion of Georgia ????????, we urge the Russian Federation to withdraw its forces to pre-war positions per the 2008 ceasefire agreement & reverse its recognition of the so-called independence of Georgia’s Abkhazia and South Ossetia regions.
— U.S. Mission to OSCE (@usosce) August 7, 2022
The Canadian Embassy in Georgia calls upon Russia to fulfil “all its obligations”.
On the 14th anniversary of the Russia-Georgia war, Canada reiterates its full support to Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and calls upon Russia to fulfill all its obligations under the ceasefire agreement. ????????????????(1/2)
— Canada in Turkey (@CanEmbTurkey) August 7, 2022
Latvian Foreign Ministry condemned the "cynical" Russian invasion of Georgia and expressed its "strong support" for the country.
#WeRemember and condemn the cynical Russian invasion of #Georgia in 2008, and express strong support to ???????? sovereignty & territorial integrity. This war changed the regional security landscape in #SouthCaucasus and inflicted immense political & economic damage in ????????
— Latvian MFA ???????? | #StandWithUkraine ???????? (@Latvian_MFA) August 7, 2022
???? V.Shlamov
The Embassy of Sweden expressed their support for Georgia.
“დღეს რუსეთ-საქართველოს ომის მე-14 წლისთავს აღვნიშნავთ. ???????? მხარს უჭერს ????????დამოუკიდებლობას,სუვერენიტეტსა & ტერიტორიულ მთლიანობას. მოვუწოდებთ ???????? პატივი სცეს საერთ. კანონმდებლობას & შეასრულოს 2008 წ. 12 აგვისტოს ცეცხლის შეწყვეტის შეთანხმებით ნაკისრი ვალდებულებები.”წერს ???????? @AnnLinde
— Sweden in Georgia (@SwedeninGE) August 7, 2022
Ukrainian, Estonian and Slovakian, as well as Lithuanian and Moldovan Foreign Ministries have also confirmed their “unwavering support” for Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity within the internationally recognised borders.