Social rehabilitation, childcare budget to reach 52 mln GEL in 2022

“We will further step up our work towards protecting the rights of persons with disabilities. This is one of our main duties and the creation of the Coordination Committee and its first meeting today serve this very purpose,” Garibashvili said. Photo: UNDP in Georgia., 03 Dec 2021 - 18:49, Tbilisi,Georgia

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili has stated that the budget for social rehabilitation and childcare is increasing annually, noting that it is expected to reach 52 million GEL in 2022. 

This means that the geographical availability of social services and the funding of various new services will increase,” Garibashvili said.

Last year the budget for social rehabilitation and childcare amounted to 37.4 million GEL, while in 2021 it totalled 40 million GEL.

The Interagency Committee that coordinates the implementation of the UN Disability Convention in Georgia on the rights of people with disabilities was launched earlier today where Garibashvili emphasised the importance of ‘ensuring equal opportunities for all.’