Hundreds of people have this afternoon gathered in downtown Tbilisi to demand one of basic human rights - the right to private and family life to be respected in Georgia.
"This affects you” was the slogan of the rally which protested against the recent leak of the secret tapes, showing high profile politicians being involved in sex acts.
Rally participants wore banners which read "Get out of my bedroom” and "Stop bugging me”.
The rally started near Tbilisi Concert Hall from where participants walked towards the Government's headquarters near the Freedom Square.
Quick investigation of the crime and proper punishment of the offenders were voiced as the main requests of the rally.
Participants also requested foreign experts to be involved in the process of investigation.
In parallel to the rally, a meeting was held at the Parliament, where the illegal sex tapes’ case was discussed.
Afterwards chairperson of the Human Rights Committee Eka Beselia said a new legislative package was prepared that aimed to make the punishment for violating of the right to private life more severe.
Similar protest rallies were held simultaneously in four other major Georgian cities too.
All of the pictures shown in this story were taken by photographer of Nino Alavide at Tbilisi rally.